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Scientology Leaders Verbally Assault Ex Member at Airport Is Tom Cruise In The Background With A Headset On?

A recent verbal assault at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) occurred between three top Scientology leaders and an ex member who for years has been trying to discredit the religion.

The video below shows three smitten Scientology members shaking their heads and verbally degrading Mark Rathbun, who was a former senior executive of the Church of Scientology. Marc Yager, Dave Bloomberg and Jennifer Linson Devoch all take turns verbally degrading Rathbun, attempting to let him know that his efforts to discredit the church were ineffective and that ultimately, as Ms. Devoch states, “nobody gives a fuck about you.”

What is not being reported as widely is the possible sighting of Tom Cruise in the background, wearing dark glasses, and a headset with small microphone in hand.

“I saw the individual talking into the headset while watching the verbal altercation take place. Almost like he was giving orders now that I think about it. When I learned it was a Scientology thing, I immediately thought well by goll that headset guy did resemble Tom Cruise!”, says a woman who witnessed the verbal assault.

Media analysts looking at the video state that the presence of a higher up on a headset would make sense. “If you look at the video, the woman keeps leaving then returning to degrade the man further. It’s almost like she has an earpiece in and Tom is directing her to saying something like ‘Jenny, go back, go back, tell him again that no one cares and no one gives a fuck about him, go back Jenny!’”

Can you see a man with sunglasses and a headset in the video? Could it be Tom Cruise?