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Paris, France.  American artist Paul McCarthy was commissioned to make a sculpture in the center of Paris France. What he came up with was an enormous green “butt plug”. McCarthy and the organizers attempted to fool the French public by calling the sculpture “tree” and coloring it green.

It didn’t fool the French, nor was the United States Government amused.

Officials at the US State Department saw McCarthy’s butt plug sculpture as a serious strain on French relations. According to a White House insider, top advisers quickly mapped out potential negative outcomes that could easily manifest from the sexually infused “art work”.

The green butt plug sculpture was shot down the next evening.

While the attack is being blamed on “vandals”, several Parisian onlookers say they saw a small drone aircraft circle the butt plug, while emitting several “pellet shots” which deflated the plug instantly.

Frederique Camus, A former humanitarian worker in Afghanistan, says he recognized the aircraft as being a “textbook US drone.”

“Ah yes, these were very noticeable when I was over there and when I saw the butt plug be circled by tiny plane, I recognize it and thought right away, oh what do you know the US must be embarrassed by this and they take it down.”

The US embassy in France, ironically remained closed the following day, which for many only proved further that a US government drone was to blame for the take down of artists Paul McCarthy’s green butt plug sculpture.