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Call Girl With “Man Part” Wanted In Texas


Local officials in San Antonio have reported a string of more than seven dozen robberies and they are identifying the alleged robber as a “call girl with man part.”

Nearly 30 men have come forward reporting they had hired an Asian American woman named Lu-Annie for “companionship”. At some point, after completing what the victims are calling “cuddling sessions”, it was revealed by the woman that she possessed a male organ. This in turn caused immediate sickness to the men, enough so that Lu-Annie was able to subdue the men in a neck clinch, while pressing the victim’s heads towards her pelvis region. While many of the victims vomited or dry heaved, Lu-Annie was able to make out with hundreds of dollars, as well as numerous credit cards and gift cards.

Texas officials describe the suspect: “Basically we are looking for a call girl with a man part. This means that our suspect looks very much like a woman, really, you would never, ever, suspect otherwise. But the reality of the situation, is that she does indeed have a man part. And she is using that man part as part of an elaborate ruse and shock tactic to con men out of their hard earned money.”

When asked by reporters to be more specific, the official offered the following: “Look, the best way I can describe this is with a photo we have of the suspect fleeing a john on a bicycle. You need to look very, very closely at the photo. Specifically I want to draw attention to the area between the legs. I think you’ll now understand when I say we are looking for a call girl with man part.”


Another 40 or so robberies have been reported, all by men, in the same area of San Antonio, only these men would not cop to any call girl with man part connection. Officials believe it is indeed the work of Lu-Annie, and embarrassment and shame are to blame as the reason why men have not been more forthcoming.

A $75 dollar reward is being offered for any information on the whereabouts of Lu-Annie, as well as assurance that men coming forward will be granted immunity and complete anonymity.